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- At first I took comfort in the thought that Schnitzel
- was a liar. Later, I began to wonder if all of it were
- a lie, and finally, in it way I could not doubt, it
- was proved to me that the worst he charged was true.
- The night I first began to believe him was the
- night we touched at Cristobal, the last port in
- Valencia. In the most light-hearted manner he had been
- accusing all concerned in the nitrate fight with every
- crime known in Wall Street and in the dark reaches of
- the Congo River.
- "But, I know him, Mr. Schnitzel," I said
- sternly. "He is incapable of it. I went to college
- with him."
- "I don't care whether he's a rah-rah boy or
- not," said Schnitzel, "I know that's what he did when
- he was up the Orinoco after orchids, and if the tribe
- had ever caught him they'd have crucified him. And I
- know this, too: he made forty thousand dollars out of
- the Nitrate Company on a ten-thousand-dollar job. And
- I know it, because he beefed to me about it himself,
- because it wasn't big enough."
- We were passing the limestone island at the
- entrance to the harbor, where, in the prison fortress,
- with its muzzle-loading guns pointing drunkenly at the
- sky, are buried the political prisoners of Valencia.
- "Now, there," said Schnitzel, pointing, "that
- shows you what the Nitrate Trust can do. Judge Rojas
- is in there. He gave the first decision in favor of
- the Walker-Keefe people, and for making that decision
- William T. Scott, the Nitrate manager, made Alvarez
- put Rojas in there. He's seventy years old, and he's
- been there five years. The cell they keep him in is
- below the sea-level, and the salt-water leaks through
- the wall. I've seen it. That's what William T. Scott
- did, an' up in New York people think 'Billy' Scott is
- a fine man. I seen him at the Horse Show sitting in a
- box, bowing to everybody, with his wife sitting beside
- him, all hung out with pearls. An' that was only a
- month after I'd seen Rojas in that sewer where Scott
- put him."'
- "Schnitzel," I laughed, "you certainly are a
- magnificent liar."
- Schnitzel showed no resentment.
- "Go ashore and look for yourself," he
- muttered. "Don't believe me. Ask Rojas. Ask the first
- man you meet." He shivered, and shrugged his
- shoulders. "I tell you, the walls are damp, like
- sweat."
- The Government had telegraphed the
- commandant to come on board and, as he expressed it,
- "offer me the hospitality of the port," which meant
- that I had to take him to the smoking room and give
- him champagne. What the Government really wanted was
- to find out whether I was still on board, and if it
- were finally rid of me, I asked the official
- concerning Judge Rojas.
- "Oh, yes," he said readily. "He is still
- incommunicado."
- Without believing it would lead to
- anything, I suggested:
- "It was foolish of him to give offense to Mr.
- Scott?"
- The commandant nodded vivaciously.
- "Mr. Scott is very powerful man," he assented.
- "We all very much love Mr. Scott. The president, he
- love Mr. Scott, too, but the judges were not
- sympathetic to Mr. Scott, so Mr. Scott asked our
- president to give them a warning, and Senor Rojas he
- is the warning."
- "When will he get out?" I asked.
- The commandant held up the glass in the
- sunlight from the open air-port, and gazed admiringly
- at the bubbles.
- "Who can tell," he said. "Any day when Mr.
- Scott wishes. Maybe, never. Senor Rojas is an old man.
- Old, and he has much rheumatics. Maybe, he will never
- come out to see our beloved country any more."
- As we left the harbor we passed so close that
- one could throw a stone against the wall of the
- fortress. The sun was just sinking and the air became
- suddenly chilled. Around the little island of
- limestone the "waves swept through the seaweed and
- black manigua up to the rusty bars of the cells. I saw
- the barefooted soldiers smoking upon the sloping
- ramparts, the common criminals in a long stumbling
- line bearing kegs of water, three storm-beaten palms
- rising like gallows, and the green and yellow flag of
- Valencia crawling down the staff. Somewhere entombed
- in that blotched and mildewed masonry an old man of
- seventy years was shivering and hugging himself from
- the damp and cold. A man who spoke five languages, a
- just, brave gentleman. To me it was no new story. I
- knew of the horrors of Cristobal prison; of political
- rivals chained to criminals loathsome with disease, of
- men who had raised the flag of revolution driven to
- suicide. But never had I supposed that my own people
- could reach from the city of New York and cast a
- fellow-man into that cellar of fever and madness.
- As I watched the yellow wall sink into the
- sea, I became conscious that Schnitzel was near me, as
- before, leaning on the rail, with his chin sunk on his
- arms. His face was turned toward the fortress, and for
- the first time since I had known him it was set and
- serious. And when, a moment later, he passed me
- without recognition, I saw that his eyes were filled
- with fear.
- When we touched at Curacao, I sent a cable to
- my sister, announcing the date of my arrival, and then
- continued on to the Hotel Venezuela. Almost
- immediately Schnitzel joined me. With easy
- carelessness he said: "I was in the cable office just
- now, sending off a wire, and that operator told me he
- can't make head or tail of the third word in your
- cable."
- "That is strange," I commented, "because
- ii's a French word, and he is French. That's why I
- wrote it in French."
- With the air of one who nails another in a
- falsehood, Schnitzel exclaimed:
- "Then, how did you suppose your sister was
- going to read it? It's a cipher, that's what it is.
- Oh, no, you're not on a secret mission! Not at all!"
- It was most undignified of me, but in five
- minutes I excused myself, and sent to the State
- Department the following words:
- "Roses red, violets blue, send snow."
- Later at the State Department the only person
- who did not eventually pardon my jest was the clerk
- who had sat up until three in the morning with my
- cable, trying to fit it to any known code.
- Immediately after my return to the Hotel
- Venezuela Schnitzel excused himself, and half an hour
- later returned in triumph with the cable operator and
- ordered lunch for both. They imbibed much sweet
- champagne.
- When we again were safe at sea, I said:
- "Schnitzel, how much did you pay that Frenchman to
- let you read my second cable?"
- Schnitzel's reply was prompt and complacent.
- "One hundred dollars gold. It was worth it. Do
- you want to know how I doped it out?"
- I even challenged him to do so. "'Roses red'
- war declared; 'violets blue' outlook bad, or blue;
- 'send snow' send squadron, because the white squadron
- is white like snow. See? It was too easy."
- "Schnitzel," I cried, "you are wonderful!"
- Schnitzel yawned in my face.
- "Oh, you don't have to hit the soles of my
- feet with a night-stick to keep me awake," he said.
- After I had been a week at sea, I found that
- either I had to believe that in all things Schnitzel
- was a liar, or that the men of the Nitrate Trust were
- in all things evil. I was convinced that instead of
- the people of Valencia robbing them, they were robbing
- both the people of Valencia and the people of the
- United States.
- To go to war on their account was to degrade
- our Government. I explained to Schnitzel it was not
- becoming that the United States navy should he made
- the cat's-paw of a corrupt corporation. I asked his
- permission to repeat to the authorities at Washington
- certain of the statements he had made.
- Schnitzel was greatly pleased.
- "You're welcome to tell 'em anything I've
- said," he assented. "And," he added, "most of it's
- true, too."
- I wrote down certain charges he had made, and
- added what I had always known of the nitrate fight. It
- was a terrible arraignment. In the evening I read my
- notes to Schnitzel, who, in a corner of the
- smoking-room, sat, frowning importantly, checking off
- each statement, and where I made an error of a date or
- a name, severely correcting me.
- Several times I asked him, "Are you sure this
- won't get you into trouble with your 'people'? You
- seem to accuse everybody on each side."
- Schnitzel's eyes instantly closed with
- suspicion.
- "Don't you worry about me and my people,"
- he returned sulkily. "That's my secret, and you won't
- find it out, neither. I may be as crooked as the rest
- of them, but I'm not giving away my employer."
- I suppose I looked puzzled.
- "I mean not a second time," he added hastily.
- "I know what you're thinking of, and I got five
- thousand dollars for it. But now I mean to stick by
- the men that pay my wages."
- "But you've told me enough about each of the
- three to put any one of them in jail."
- "Of course, I have," cried Schnitzel
- triumphantly.
- "If I'd let down on any one crowd
- you'd know I was working for that crowd, so I've
- touched 'em all up. Only what I told you about my
- crowd isn't true."
- The report we finally drew up was so
- sensational that I was of a mind to throw it
- overboard. It accused members of the Cabinet, of our
- Senate, diplomats, business men of national interest,
- judges of the Valencia courts, private secretaries,
- clerks, hired bullies, and filibusters. Men the trust
- could not bribe it had blackmailed. Those it could not
- corrupt, and they were pitifully few, it crushed with
- some disgraceful charge.
- Looking over my notes, I said:
- "You seem to have made every charge except
- murder."
- "How'd I come to leave that out?" Schnitzel
- answered flippantly. "What about Coleman, the foreman
- at Bahia, and that German contractor, Ebhardt, and old
- Smedburg? They talked too much, and they died of
- yellow-fever, maybe, and maybe what happened to them
- was they ate knockout drops in their soup."
- I disbelieved him, but there came a sudden
- nasty doubt.
- "Curtis, who managed the company's plant at
- Barcelona, died of yellow-fever," I said, "and was
- buried the same day."
- For some time Schnitzel glowered uncertainly
- at the bulkhead.
- "Did you know him?" he asked.
- "When I was in the legation I knew him well,"
- I said.
- "So did I," said Schnitzel. "He wasn't
- murdered. He murdered himself. He was wrong ten
- thousand dollars in his accounts. He got worrying
- about it and we found him outside the clearing with a
- hole in his head. He left a note saying he couldn't
- bear the disgrace. As if the company would hold a
- little grafting against as good a man as Curtis!"
- Schnitzel coughed and pretended it was his
- cigarette.
- "You see you don't put in nothing against
- him," he added savagely.
- It was the first time I had seen Schnitzel
- show emotion, and I was moved to preach.
- "Why don't you quit?" I said. "You had an A1
- job as a stenographer. Why don't you go back to it?"
- "Maybe, some day. But it's great being your
- own boss. If I was a stenographer, I wouldn't be
- helping you send in a report to the State Department,
- would I? No, this job is all right. They send you
- after something big, and you have the devil of a time
- getting it, but when you get it, you feel like you had
- picked a hundred-to-one shot."
- The talk or the drink had elated him. His
- fish-like eyes bulged and shone. He cast a quick look
- about him. Except for ourselves, the smoking-room was
- empty. From below came the steady throb of the
- engines, and from outside the whisper of the waves and
- of the wind through the cordage. A barefooted sailor
- pattered by to the bridge. Schnitzel bent toward me,
- and with his hand pointed to his throat.
- "I've got papers on me that's worth a million
- to a certain party," he whispered. "You understand, my
- notes in cipher."
- He scowled with intense mystery.
- "I keep 'em in an oiled-silk bag, tied around
- my neck with a string. And here," he added hastily,
- patting his hip, as though to forestall any attack I
- might make upon his person, "I carry my automatic. It
- shoots nine bullets in five seconds. They got to be
- quick to catch me."
- "Well, if you have either of those things on
- you," I said testily, "I don't want to know it. How
- often have I told you not to talk and drink at the
- same time?"
- "Ah, go on," laughed Schnitzel. "That's an old
- gag, warning a fellow not to talk so as to make him
- talk. I do that myself."
- That Schnitzel had important papers tied to
- his neck I no more believe than that he wore a shirt
- of chain armor, but to please him I pretended to be
- greatly concerned.
- "Now that we're getting into New York," I
- said, "you must be very careful. A man who carries
- such important documents on his person might be
- murdered for them. I think you ought to disguise
- yourself."
- A picture of my bag being carried ashore
- by Schnitzel in the uniform of a ship's steward rather
- pleased me.
- "Go on, you're kidding!" said Schnitzel. He
- was drawn between believing I was deeply impressed and
- with fear that I was mocking him.
- "On the contrary," I protested, "I don't feel
- quite safe myself. Seeing me with you they may think I
- have papers around my neck."
- "They wouldn't look at you," Schnitzel
- reassured me. "They know you're just an amateur. But,
- as you say, with me, it's different. I got to be
- careful. Now, you mightn't believe it, but I never go
- near my uncle nor none of my friends that live where I
- used to hang out. If I did, the other spies would get
- on my track. I suppose," he went on grandly, "I never
- go out in New York but that at least two spies are
- trailing me. But I know how to throw them off. I live
- 'way downtown in a little hotel you never heard of.
- You never catch me dining at Sherry's nor the Waldorf.
- And you never met me out socially, did you, now?"
- I confessed I had not.
- "And then, I always live under an assumed
- name."
- "Like 'Jones'?" I suggested.
- "Well, sometimes 'Jones,"' he admitted.
- " To me," I said, "'Jones' lacks imagination.
- It's the sort of name you give when you're arrested
- for exceeding the speed limit. Why don't you call
- yourself Machiavelli?"
- "Go on, I'm no dago," said Schnitzel, "and
- don't you go off thinking 'Jones' is the only disguise
- I use. But I'm not tellin' what it is, am I? Oh, no."
- "Schnitzel," I asked, "have you ever been told
- that you would make a great detective?"
- "Cut it out," said Schnitzel. "You've been
- reading those fairy stories. There's no fly cops nor
- Pinks could do the work I do. They're pikers compared
- to me. They chase petty larceny cases and kick in
- doors. I wouldn't stoop to what they do. If It's being
- mixed up the way I am with the problems of two
- governments that catches me." He added magnanimously,
- "You see something of that yourself."
- We left the ship at Brooklyn, and with regret
- I prepared to bid Schnitzel farewell. Seldom had I met
- a little beast so offensive, but his vanity, his lies,
- his moral blindness, made one pity him. And in the
- days in the smoking room together we had had many
- friendly drinks and many friendly laughs. He was going
- to a hotel on lower Broadway, and as my cab, on my way
- uptown, passed the door, I offered him a lift. He
- appeared to consider the advisability of this, and
- then, with much by-play of glancing over his shoulder,
- dived into the front seat and drew down the blinds.
- "This hotel I am going to is an old-fashioned trap,"
- he explained, "but the clerk is wise to me,
- understand, and I don't have to sign the register."
- As we drew nearer to the hotel, he said: "It's
- a pity we can't dine out somewheres and go to the
- theatre, but you know?"
- With almost too much heartiness I hastily
- agreed it would be imprudent.
- "I understand perfectly," I assented. "You are
- a marked man. Until you get those papers safe in the
- hands of your 'people,' you must be very cautious."
- "That's right," he said. Then he smiled
- craftily.
- "I wonder if you're on yet to which my
- people are!'
- I assured him that I had no idea, but that
- from the avidity with which he had abused them I
- guessed he was working for the Walker-Keefe crowd.
- He both smiled and scowled.
- "Don't you wish you knew?" he said. "I've told
- you a lot of inside stories, Mr. Crosby, but I'll
- never tell on my pals again. Not me I That's my
- secret."
- At the door of the hotel he bade me a hasty
- good-by, and for a few minutes I believed that
- Schnitzel had passed out of my life forever. Then, in
- taking account of my belongings, I missed my
- field-glasses. I remembered that, in order to open a
- trunk for the customs inspectors, I had handed them to
- Schnitzel, and that he had hung them over his
- shoulder. In our haste at parting we both had
- forgotten them.
- I was only a few blocks from the hotel, and I
- told the man to return.
- I inquired for Mr. Schnitzel, and the clerk,
- who apparently knew him by that name, said he was in
- his room, number eighty-two.
- "But he has a caller with him now," he added.
- "A gentleman was waiting for him, and's just gone up."
- I wrote on my card why I had called, and soon
- after it had been borne skyward the clerk said: "I
- guess he'll be able to see you now. That's the party
- that was calling on him, there."
- He nodded toward a man who crossed the rotunda
- quickly. His face was twisted from us, as though, as
- he almost ran toward the street, he were reading the
- advertisements on the wall.
- He reached the door, and was lost in the great
- tide of Broadway.
- I crossed to the elevator, and as I stood
- waiting, it descended with a crash, and the boy who
- had taken my card flung himself, shrieking, into the
- rotunda.
- "That man stop him!" he cried. "The man in
- eighty-two he's murdered."
- The clerk vaulted the desk and sprang into the
- street, and I dragged the boy back to the wire rope
- and we shot to the third story. The boy shrank back. A
- chambermaid, crouching against the wall, her face
- colorless, lowered one hand, and pointed at an open
- door.
- "In there," she whispered.
- In a mean, common room, stretched where he had
- been struck back upon the bed, I found the boy who had
- elected to meddle in the "problems of two
- governments."
- In tiny jets, from three wide
- knife-wounds, his blood flowed slowly. His staring
- eyes were lifted up in fear and in entreaty. I knew
- that he was dying, and as I felt my impotence to help
- him, I as keenly felt a great rage and a hatred toward
- those who had struck him.
- I leaned over him until my eyes were only a
- few inches from his face.
- "Schnitzel!" I cried. "Who did this? You can
- trust me. Who did this? Quick!"
- I saw that he recognized me, and that there
- was something which, with terrible effort, he was
- trying to make me understand.
- In the hall was the rush of many people,
- running, exclaiming, the noise of bells ringing; from
- another floor the voice of a woman shrieked
- hysterically.
- At the sounds the eyes of the boy grew
- eloquent with entreaty, and with a movement that
- ,called from each wound a fresh outburst, like a man
- strangling, he lifted his fingers to his throat.
- Voices were calling for water, to wait for the
- doctor, to wait for the police. But I thought I
- understood.
- Still doubting him, still unbelieving,
- ashamed of my own credulity, I tore at his collar, and
- my fingers closed upon a package of oiled silk.
- I stooped, and with my teeth ripped it open,
- and holding before him the slips of paper it
- contained, tore them into tiny shreds.
- The eyes smiled at me with cunning, with
- triumph, with deep content.
- It was so like the Schnitzel I had known that
- I believed still he might have strength enough to help
- me.
- "Who did this?" I begged. "I'll hang him for it!
- Do you hear me?" I cried.
- Seeing him lying there, with the life cut out
- of him, swept me with a blind anger, with a need to
- punish.
- "I'll see they hang for it. Tell me!" I
- commanded. "Who did this?"
- The eyes, now filled with weariness, looked up
- and the lips moved feebly.
- "My own people," he whispered.
- In my indignation I could have shaken the
- truth from him. I bent closer.
- "Then, by God," I whispered back, "you'll tell
- me who they are!"
- The eyes flashed sullenly.
- "That's my secret," said Schnitzel.
- The eyes set and the lips closed.
- A man at my side leaned over him, and drew the
- sheet across his face.